Monday, September 27, 2010


Egregious errors in spelling and grammar are all around us. This one is lurking right behind me, literally, everyday at work.

Sometimes I wonder why I don't simply change it. I could quietly create a new sign reading "Do Not Sell." I could even get a little crazy and write "Not For Sale," but I never do. Perhaps it leaves me feeling grammatically superior, or perhaps it provides me a little of the familiar in the retail job I feel oh-so-foreign at: when I feel like a fish out of water, I know how to fix this mistake. Like saving the best bite of a meal for last, maybe I am saving this edit for the moment when I can most savor it.


  1. You need to keep the original note but cross out "sale" and write in "sell". That way the person that wrote the note feels stupid, but they at least learn something.

  2. Cross out the 'D', second 'O', and the 'T'. Lesson learned.

  3. Dear Kofski,

    I have tried to find the person who authored the note in order to put them to shame, but I have had no luck finding the culprit just yet. I will keep you posted as to my progress on the matter!

    Without wax,
    R. Text

    Dear Mike,

    I am certainly entertaining the notion of making your suggested alterations because I find it to be a highly clever solution. Thank you for giving me something to be privately amused and tempted by at work!

    R. Text
